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Download Cake Mania 2. Create and serve delicious cake in this puzzle game. Virus Free. Create and serve delicious cake in this puzzle game. ... A Windows version of the matching type game based on the mega hit mobile app. Criminal Case 1. Become a detective and search for hidden objects. Cake Mania 2 - Free online games at How to play Cake Mania 2 Click through the storyline, then choose whether to help Risha or Jack. To play, click on the customer to deliver a menu, then the shape of cake they chose on the oven. When it is baked, clicked the cake and then the requested topping to add it. Download Cake Mania 2 Free Crack Full Version Patch Serial ... The Cake Mania 2 is the latest release, tested working 100% full version. Download Cake Mania 2 for free including keygen, serial, cracked, key, patch full version license .We only share Official ...

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Jill est de retour dans Cake Mania 2 ! Rappelons que Cake Mania est à la fois un jeu de cuisine dans lequel tu prépares différentes sortes de gâteaux et un jeu de gestion dans lequel tu dois atteindre des objectifs commerciaux pour investir et ainsi développer ton établissement.

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