Описание: Пакет Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package устанавливает компоненты среды выполнения библиотек Visual C++, необходимых для запуска приложений, разработанных с помощью Visual C++, на компьютере без установленной среды Visual C++.
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Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 This package installs run-time components of Visual C++ libraries and can be used to run such applications on a computer even if it does not have Visual Studio 2019 installed. Choisir entre les versions 64 bits et 32 bits d’Office ... Vous pouvez continuer à exécuter les contrôles 32 bits dans la version d’Office 32 bits tels que les contrôles communs Microsoft Windows (Mscomctl.ocx, comctl.ocx) ou les contrôles 32 bits tiers existants. Microsoft Visual C 32 Bit for Windows - Free downloads and ... microsoft visual c 32 bit free download - Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++, Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable , C Squared for Visual Studio 6.0, and many more programs microsoft visual c 2010 32 bit runtime - updatestar.com
Visual Studio 2019 Installer | InstallAware - InstallAware InstallAware includes a Visual Studio Extension which integrates with Microsoft Visual Studio versions 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2005, and ... Visual Studio 16 2019 — CMake 3.15.20190907-g86d916e ... ... 16 2019¶. Generates Visual Studio 16 (VS 2019) project files. ... By default this generator uses the 64-bit variant on x64 hosts and the 32-bit variant otherwise. Microsoft Visual C++ - Wikipedia
Visual C++ Redistributable Package : à quoi cela sert et ...
https://www.scivision.dev/python-windows-visual-c-14-required/ https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/origin/origin/your-vc-runtime-package-has-not-installed-correctly-error-troubleshooting/ http://asawicki.info/news_1597_installing_visual_c_redistributable_package_from_command_line.html https://www.shaileshjha.com/what-is-visual-c-plus-plus-redistributable-package-and-how-to-install-uninstall-or-reinstall-visual-c-plus-plus-redistributable-on-windows-10/ http://lexisnexis.custhelp.com/app/answers/answer_view/a_id/1085198/~/system-requirements-for-lexis-for-microsoft-office https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43172345/mysql-workbench-installer-requires-visual-c-2015-redistributable-package-to-be/51444345